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EES Success Academy is Now Hiring!

K12 Content Area Teachers

K12 Visual & Performance Arts Teachers

Athletic Director

Grant Writers

Grant Writers

Grant writers must be funded at $100K+.

Athletic Director

Must have a proven success rate of motivating, encouraging, and training athletes; building, growing and sustaining a successful athletics program and fundraising skills.

Content Area Lead & Support Teachers & Visual & Performance Arts Lead & Support Teachers

The successful Lead Teacher candidate must have an ABD or earned EdD, PhD in reading, mathematics, science, history or related field. Must be interested in conducting ongoing research in teaching, curriculum design and innovation in education.

The successful Teacher candidate must have an earned Bachelor or Master of Education degree and a passion to see students excel. Must be energetic and able to multitask; simultaneously handle multiple age groupings and the needs inherent therein. Must be willing to partner with parents and administration to move the mission and vision of the school forward.

To apply, use Microsoft Word to submit a letter of inquiry that includes the following:

In as much detail as possible, respond to the following, cite supporting research and include a bibliography. There is no year restriction for the sources, though try if possible to use a combination of older foundational research with a modicum of more up to date support where applicable.

Tell us about you.

  • Why are you interested in working for SA?

  • What do you bring to the table that is essential for this school?

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher? As a person?

  • Are you teachable? If so, in what ways? If not, why are you applying?

  • What value system informs your work? Your passion?

  • How would you maintain order, time management, discipline, planning, facilitating, while  teaching a multi age class?

  • What are your go to strategies for dealing wtih disciplinary problems? 

  • What are your thoughts about mental health in education relative to students? Teachers and other adult staff?

  • If you had/have school age children, would you want them to attend this school? Explain your answer.

  • If you had/have school age children would you want them placed in your class? Explain your answer.

Tell us what you understand about EES Success Academy.

  • Given our Model & Method, how do you think IEP’s fit into the equation? Explain your answer in detail.
  • What particular skill set must a successful teacher have in order to ensure that each student in his/her class is successful?
  • Do you think our Model & Method are sustainable? Why or why not? Include research to support your answer.
  • What body(s) of literature most closely represents our method and model? What are both the pros and cons of our strategies?
  • What does research have to say about multi age classrooms?
  • What do you think the benefits of the following grade level groupings are:
    • (A) 7 - 8 + 3 - 4; (B) 11 - 12 + 5 - 6; (C) 9 - 10 + 1 - 2

    • What similar skill bases are shared between the groupings?

    • In what ways can both age groups benefit from each grouping?

    • In what subjects would they benefit the most? The least?

  • Select one of the three grade level groupings. List the skills necessary for either the first or last half of the school year for each of the groupings in science or social studies.
  • List some schools that have concepts similar to ours. How are we alike? Different?
  • [PhD/EdD’s only] What university are you affiliated with?
  • [PhD/EdD’s only] Does your contract allow you to collaborate on another educational endeavor?

  • Show us your style.

  • Record a five minute video of yourself teaching a skill/concept from a subject of your choosing. Your video does not have to feature children, but it is a plus if it does.
    • Be sure to include content for all four grade level groups in the lesson.

    • Upload your video to Youtube. Set your video to private. Then copy/paste the link in your submission.

    Email submissions to 

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