Tuition Assistance may be available: Call 901-265-3344 to see if you Qualify!
Success Academy is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. Class begins August 14, 2023 at 8am. We will only enroll families who are truly committed and passionate about our model and method.
Tuition begins at $8,000 per school year for grades K-12. New and returning families have the option to pay tuition monthly; by the trimester; or for the school year. All fees are nonrefundable. The following fees are due July 21, 2023:
$250 Registration
$250 Book Fee
$800 August Tuition
*Seats cannot be reserved for returning families if payments are not received by July 15.
COVID-19 Precautions: Our facilities are sanitzed daily by local leading Infection Prevention expert, Rescue Enterprise For more information about their services, visit them online at
Enrollment Inter​est Form
Complete this form and our enrollment specialist will contact you.
The Admissions process begins with a family interview. Before beginning the enrollment process, ask yourself these questions:
Is EES Success Academy for My Family?
1. Are you concerned that your child is not progressing or not being challenged academically?
2. Are you concerned that your child does not like school due to his/her lack of academic or social success (bullying; socially awkward/ not fitting in, disruptive or chaotic environment or another reason)?
3. Do you feel that the traditional school day is too long and prevents adequate family time?
4. Does your child have natural musical, creative writing, artistic, and or entrepreneurial abilities that you would like to see enhanced?
2023-2024 School Year

EES Success Academy Registration Fee
To reserve your child's space, complete the Interest Form and pay the $200 registration fee ASAP.
* Our classrooms contain a maximum of ten students. Once our classrooms reach capacity, interested parents will be placed on the waiting list. Do not delay completing the registration form and submitting your registration fee. Registration forms received without payment cannot reserve your child's seat. Payment of registration fees does not equate to admission. Students and families must attend the two part family interview.
Dates of Importance
Fall 2023-2024 ​REGISTRATION
Saturday July 8, 2023 12pm - 2pm
First Day of School
Monday August 14, 2023 8am - 12pm
Supply Lists
Upcoming Events
This school year, we are super excited to announce a partnership with a local record label (company TBA soon). Students who have musical ability and desire to be a recording artist, will have an opportunity to record an origninal single this year!
Student Authored Books
See what we've accomplished this school year! You can purchase our student authored books HERE.